Custom MHS BH #1:
Hey gang-
Cut the lawn today... and while my boys discovered the game 'kick the can' (LOL).. I got a couple hours in the garage today! (woot)
(man..without a mill this kind of stuff is a PITA!) lol
I had mentioned this long ago as an option in the TCSS store.. (shrouds, overlays..etc).. generic enough to customize/spice up ones saber
(before Tim had CNC milling etc..etc)
figured Id give my had at one.. (I recommend using a thinning wall tube than I did!) haha
anyways.. tell me what ya think.. I turned down an MHS bladeholder.. and bored out my stock to match..
then turned down the OD to what I felt looked/felt 'ok'...
the "S"-curve was done by hand..bandsaw, sander...files.. (buffer)...yadda yadda..
and what it looks like on a hilt..
feedback is appreciated..
thanks guys..